Can Really Crack Any WiFi Password?’s viral videos on social media like Instagram and YouTube claiming that you can crack any WiFi password using The process is explained as simple: visit the site, click on the “Start Bot” button, follow a series of steps that redirect you to their Telegram channel, and supposedly, you can get access to any WiFi network.

But, how true are these claims? Can really crack WiFi passwords, or is it just another internet scam? Let’s break it down in detail.

What is is a website that has gained popularity recently due to a viral video. The video claims that by using the website, users can bypass the security of any WiFi network and get access to the password within minutes.

According to the process mentioned in the video:

  1. Visit
  2. Click on the “Start Bot” button.
  3. Follow the instructions to join their Telegram channel.
  4. Send the message “Start” in their Telegram chat.
  5. Follow the steps they provide to allegedly get the WiFi password.

Before diving into whether works or not, it is important to address the legality of WiFi cracking.

Cracking any WiFi password without permission is illegal. Accessing someone else’s WiFi without their consent is considered unauthorized access, which violates privacy laws and can lead to severe legal consequences, including fines and imprisonment.

Legal Aspect of WiFi HackingDescription
Legal StatusCracking WiFi passwords without consent is illegal in most countries.
ConsequencesFines, legal action, and even imprisonment for unauthorized access to a network.
Ethical ConcernsViolating someone’s privacy and network security by hacking their WiFi. and Free Recharge Viral Video: Fake or Real? 2024

How Does Claim to Work?

As mentioned, claims to offer an easy process to crack WiFi passwords. Here’s a breakdown of the steps the viral video suggests:

Step 1Go to the website.
Step 2Click on the “Start Bot” button, which redirects you to a Telegram channel.
Step 3Join their Telegram group and send the message “Start.”
Step 4Follow the steps provided in the Telegram chat to supposedly retrieve the WiFi password.

However, the video has received several negative comments, with many people claiming that it is a scam and the process does not actually work. Let’s take a closer look at the authenticity of these claims.

Does Really Work?

Several users have commented on the viral video, claiming that the entire process is fake. Here are some of the red flags raised by users:

  1. Redirects to Telegram: The first sign that something might be suspicious is the redirection to a Telegram group. Many scam websites use this method to lure users into joining a Telegram channel, often to increase their followers and promote other scams.
  2. No Real Proof: Despite the claims made in the video, there is no concrete evidence or verified testimonials that can actually crack WiFi passwords. The process described is vague and doesn’t provide any technical details about how the password is supposedly cracked.
  3. User Feedback: Numerous users have commented that after following the steps, they either received no WiFi password or were asked to complete additional steps, such as watching ads or downloading apps. This suggests that the website might be more focused on generating revenue through ads rather than providing any real WiFi cracking service.
Red Flags about Pass5G.inDescription
Telegram RedirectionRedirection to Telegram, which is often used by scammers to gather followers.
Lack of ProofNo verified proof that the process works; steps are vague.
Monetization AttemptsUsers report being asked to watch ads or download apps without getting any password. wifi password

Why You Should Be Skeptical

There are several reasons to be skeptical about and its claims:

  1. No Legitimate Tool: Cracking WiFi passwords requires sophisticated software and tools that are illegal for personal use. The process described by seems overly simplified and does not align with how WiFi hacking tools operate.
  2. Scam Potential: Many websites like exist to generate revenue through misleading claims. They often ask users to complete tasks like watching ads, downloading apps, or even paying money without delivering what they promise.
  3. Illegal Activity: Even if the website worked (which is highly doubtful), using such services would still be illegal. Accessing someone’s WiFi without their permission can lead to legal consequences.
  4. Risk to Personal Data: Websites like these can also pose a risk to your personal information. By joining their Telegram channel and following their steps, you might unknowingly expose your data, including phone numbers and IP addresses, to scammers.

Common Techniques Used by Scammers

Websites like often employ certain tactics to deceive users. Here are some common methods:

Scam TechniquesDescription
Redirection to Third-party PlatformsUsers are directed to Telegram or other platforms to avoid scrutiny.
Monetization through AdsWebsites ask users to watch ads or download apps, generating revenue without providing any real service.
False Claims and PromisesWebsites make exaggerated claims to lure users, but fail to deliver any real results.
Data CollectionScammers use these platforms to collect user information, which they can sell or misuse.

Conclusion: Is Real or Fake?

Based on the information gathered from user feedback, the nature of the process, and the lack of legitimate proof, it is safe to conclude that is likely a scam. It does not appear to have the capability to crack any WiFi password, and its primary goal seems to be redirecting users to watch ads, download apps, or follow a Telegram channel.

Additionally, attempting to crack WiFi passwords is illegal and can lead to serious consequences. It is always better to stick to ethical and legal methods when trying to access the internet, such as using public WiFi, purchasing a data plan, or asking for permission from the network owner.

Final Thoughts

  • cannot crack WiFi passwords as claimed in the viral video.
  • Cracking WiFi passwords without consent is illegal and can lead to legal trouble.
  • Be cautious of websites that make bold claims and ask you to follow suspicious steps, as they often aim to deceive or scam users.

Stay safe online and avoid falling into the trap of scams like

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